STUDENT WORK - Experimental Video

ASSIGNMENT: Single Channel Experimental Video Art

COURSE: Intro to Digital Media

Students worked with DSLR / HD video cameras, LED studio lighting, and lavalier and boom microphones over the course to create short video projects.

(Software: Adobe Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder)


COURSE: Time & Motion

Working with existing and appropriated media to rethink, recontextualize, and reimagine it to create new narratives and meaning.

(Software: Adobe Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder)

ASSIGNMENT: Multi-Channel Video Installation

COURSE: Directing the Experimental Film

Students must create multiple channel works to be projected in space. The work must engage both time and space in how the viewer is invited or obstructed to move through the exhibition.

(Software: Adobe Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder, Projectors, Matrox Splitters, Media Playback Devices)